Caltech IEEE Student Chapter Constitution
Article I
Name: Caltech IEEE Student Chapter
Article II
Purpose: To provide social events and services to EE and CS students at Caltech
Article III
A. All currently registered undergraduate and graduate students (“students”) are eligible for membership. Other members of the Caltech community, such as stall, faculty, spouses, and JPL staff, may participate in Club activities as affiliates.
B. The ratio of student members and affiliate members must remain above 3:2.
C. A member must be willing to sign up for our mailing list to be recognized as a full member
D. A full member has the right to sign up for and attend club-hosted events
Article IV
A. Meetings will be held by the board members about once a week, depending on the needs and requirements of each event. They will be held by default in Chandler on Fridays at 12:00 pm but are susceptible to change by the board.
B. Both regular and special meetings will be called by the President through the IEEE board mailing list
Article V
Executive Board:
A. Officers and their duties:
President - decide on events to host and overlook the board's implementations of them
Vice President - assist President on club management and communication with event hosts and/or professors
Secretary - take and distribute notes on board meetings and document club forms
Treasurer - keep track of club budget and overlook accounts and reimbursements
Publicity Manager - keep the club website up to date and publicize hosted events
B. In the case of a vacancy within the Executive Board, the following officer, in the order presented above, will inherit the powers and responsibilities of the vacancy in question. For permanent vacancies, a new election for the missing office may be held (see Article VI for Election procedures).
Article VI
A. All officer positions will be selected by a majority vote by the membership for a term of one year. A person may hold the same office any number of times.
B. Only currently registered undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to become run for an officer position.
C. Officer nominations are presented to the current President by email and take place on the week of April 15.
D. Nominees will present their qualifications at a meeting place and time set by the Executive Board. After all nominees present their qualifications and positions to run for, a vote is cast by the present members, with a majority win.
E. In case a runoff is necessary for any position, a re-election will be held in a week's time, where the candidates running off will re-present their qualifications to the members.
Article VII
A. Club funds will be allocated for hosted events as deemed necessary by the Executive Board. If there is disagreement, a majority vote will determine the proceedings.
Article VIII
A. There are no necessary divisions, but if one is presented, the Executive Board will decide on whether and how to implement it.
Article IX
A. A professor advisor from the EE or CS departments will be nominated and determined by the Executive Board. The duties of the advisor are to overlook club events and provide aid and suggestions for activities.
Article X
A. The bylaws will be approved by a majority vote from the membership.
Article XI
A. An amendment may be presented by any member of the club to the Executive Board and will be ratified by a majority vote from the membership.