Past Events


Student-Faculty Barbecue '13

EE/CS Grad School Workshop

Caltech IEEE hosted an event for Juniors to prepare them for the graduate school application process, going over recommendation letters, GREs, and personal statements. It was well received, with over a dozen students attending

Southern California Edison Talk

A recruiter from Southern California Edison gave a talk on the role of Electrical Engineering at power companies, touching on each of the Caltech EE concentrations' role in the industry.

EE/CS Industry Panel Discussion

A panel of Caltech IEEE board members, together with members of the CS SFC committee, led a discussion about the potential applications of EE/CS undergraduate studies in industry.

Freshman EE Option Talk

This event provided information to freshman undecided or concerned about the course load or work required to pursue the Electrical Engineering Option at Caltech. It also introduced students to the general concentrations available for EE majors, and to upperclassmen they could talk to for advice or give feedback on EE classes.